The National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts supports the users of business valuation and financial litigation services, including damages determinations of all kinds, by training and certifying financial professionals in these disciplines.

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Establish your authority in matters of value! Bolster your reputation with your clients. Enhance your credibility within the business community. Demonstrate competency to the courts that you can articulate business value.

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CTI’s Professional Education is framed from real-world application with judicial, legislative, and financial regulatory precedence, and delivers ready-to-use tools and techniques to take your career and practice to the next level.

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Our Association has over 7,000 members and certificants specializing in Business Valuation, Financial Litigation, Forensic Accounting, and many more. Visit our Online Directory to find NACVA Members and Certificants.

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  • 22
    WEB: Free | COVID-19 Impacts to Global Valuation

    2:00 PM to 11:59 PM EDT

  • 3
    WEB: BC | BV and FL Virtual Super Conference

    8:00 AM to 6:00 PM EDT

  • 4
    赛车引擎的问题_百度知道:2021-4-22 · 我用引自中国模拟赛车联合会里面的一篇帖子回答你吧,你看了伍后应该会有很大收获! 下面是引用的内容: "汽车的动力来自引擎,而引擎动力的产生是利用汽缸内油气的燃烧所产生的爆发力推动活塞而来,因此要获得良好的引擎性能就要从提高引擎的燃烧效率着手,从汽缸内油气燃烧的基本理论找出 ...

    10:10 AM to 11:50 AM EDT

  • 4
    WEB: PM | Guide to Creating Reports and Commun.


  • 4
    WEB: BV | Bitcoin—An Intro to Crypto

    12:05 PM to 1:45 PM EDT

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Association News—CEO's Message

NACVA just completed its first Virtual Super Conference, June 15–19, it was phenomenal. I had envisioned that one day we would actually hold our conference entirely online and had even promised my HQ team that this was on the horizon, though what I did not plan for was it happening so soon. But like we heard growing up, necessity is the mother of innovation and boy did we have to innovate.

In this new world we live in, I think the writing is on the wall and that is never again will we look at this world quite the same. Just like what happened after 9/11, society is quite aware and vigilant against the scare of terrorism. Now, we can add pandemics to that list. You can expect that people will travel less, stay closer to home, pack face masks and sanitizers, avoid touching surfaces and wash hands more frequently, to list just a few behavioral changes. Where new behaviors will be most prevalent is in areas where safe alternatives are readily available. For instance, if you can conduct a face-to-face meeting online, why travel? But if you really want to see the Kenai Peninsula in Alaska, you pretty much have to go there.
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